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Relevance Lab has developed a CI/CD Cockpit solution for enterprises to aggregate Agile projects information into a command center and quickly convert fragmented tools/metrics into an integrated Dashboard. This helps enterprises assess their existing Agile/DevOps maturity, identify missing blocks in DevOps tool-chains and get a quick “Report-Card”. Large enterprises can manage their projects pipeline with a CI/CD Cockpit enabling them to steer multiple projects in an integrated way, delivering faster time-to-market and enhanced release quality. With this, the dev teams can more effectively manage multi-component projects with a consolidated metrics of software flows with intuitive and configurable dashboards, and also drill down to any stage for real-time deeper analysis. They can identify bottlenecks and also get early warnings on delays in product release based on trends in QA/Build quality and be able to take informed, proactive decisions. This further helps to reduce troubleshooting time and enable better sprint planning based on the velocity in moving code from dev to prod. With this Cockpit, they can consolidate information across various tools like Jira, Jenkins, GitHub, Sonar Cube, Octopus Deploy etc. and amplify the feedback loop with continuous performance measurement and visualization across the CI/CD cycle, using in-built visualization layers, data lake web services and data aggregation.