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RLCatalyst Research Gateway
Accelerating your scientific research with RLCatalyst Research Gateway is simple!
This demo video provides an in-depth tour and overview of RLCatalyst Research Gateway.

Getting Started
This video is a step-by-step guide that helps you download RLCatalyst Research Gateway from AWS Marketplace

Provision Research Tools with Ease
Scientific Research requires provisioning of various tools & software depending on your research requirements. Provisioning them with RLCatalyst Research Gateway is simpler & faster.
The video below demonstrates how you can provision RStudio in RLCatalyst Research Gateway.

AWS Sagemaker
In this video, you will learn how to provision AWS Sagemaker Instance in RLCatalyst Research Gateway.

EC2 Windows
In this video, you will learn how to provision EC2 Windows in RLCatalyst Research Gateway.


EC2 Linux
This video captures provisioning of EC2-Linux Instance using RLCatalyst Research Gateway


S3 Bucket
In this video, you will see how to provision S3 Bucket in RLCatalyst Research Gateway.

Nextflow Pipeline
In this video, you will see how Relevance lab Launches Genomics Cloud with Research Gateway.