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Video Gallery
Research Gateway
External Study Concept in Research Gateway
This video demonstrates how you can manage data in a central account and access it as external study in our platform.
Secure Research Environment 
This video elaborates how secure research environment is created using Research Gateway.
Research Data Platform 
This video explores how research data platform is built around an easily navigable interface that will be "go-to-platform" for all computational researchers.
Enabling Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Leveraging Nextflow & AWS
Learn how Research Gateway provisions Nextflow pipeline in a few simple steps to accelerate NGS.
Provisioning S3 Bucket
In this video, you will see how to provision S3 Bucket in Research Gateway.
High Performance Computing on Research Gateway
Making HPC on AWS Cloud Ridiculously
Easy with Research Gateway.
Provisioning Ubuntu 20.04
In this video, you will see how to provision Ubuntu 20.04 in Research Gateway.
Provisioning EC2 Windows 
In this video, you will see how to provision EC2 Windows in Research Gateway.
AWS Marketplace | A Detailed Download Guide
A step-by-step video guide to download Research Gateway from AWS Marketplace.
Research Gateway | Steps to Use Nextflow Pipeline
In this video, you will learn how Research Gateway helps researchers & principal investigators with Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) leveraging Nextflow and AWS. 
Research Gateway Demo
A demo video that provides an in-depth tour and overview of Research Gateway.
Provisioning EC2 Linux Instance
This video captures provisioning of EC2-Linux Instance using Research Gateway.
Provisioning RStudio Server Instance
The video below demonstrates how you can provision RStudio in Research Gateway.
Provisioning AWS Sagemaker Instance 
This video explores how you can provision AWS Sagemaker Instance in Research Gateway.
RLCatalyst AppInsights
RLCatalyst SmartView
An insight into RLCatalyst AppInsights (previously known as SmartView) architecture & benefits.
RLCatalyst SmartView - Build on AWS AppRegistry & ServiceNow
An in-depth tour and overview video of RLCatalyst AppInsights (previously known as SmartView). 
Walkthrough Videos
AWS X-Ray | Pet Adoption Application Use Case
AWS X Ray pet adoption application use case video for faster insights & better performance.
AWS Control Tower | How to Build & Adopt AWS Best Practices
Deep dive into how Relevance Lab helps you leverage AWS Control Tower in the right way.
DevOps Automation Using ServiceNow & RLCatalyst Integration
A use case of user making request to a DevOps automation application using ServiceNow portal.
User Onboarding with AWS Service Catalog
Video guide of effortless user onboarding with AWS service catalog & RLCatalyst BOTs platform.
Enhancing IT Operation through Monitoring, Diagnostics & Automation
Learn how RLCatalyst Command Center helps enterprises overcome IT operation challenges.
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