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2015 Blogs, Blog

Is Buddha relevant in DevOps

After spending considerable time with DevOps & community at large it intrigued me to think about best ways to bring synergy between people, process & tools, as after all DevOps is not a technology or a tool. DevOps in fact is a set of principle, best practice  or guideline to achieve synergy & collaboration between all participants within your company to achieve business success.

You would say hey why “Buddha”?

– too much, are you kidding.

Close your eyes & think about it for a second, you’ll see the context.

If not, here is my take on it.

Buddha principles guide us to attain total self awareness & peace at individual level. It brings in the concept of self healing & continuous collaboration among all parts of our body – the mind, the heart, the eyes, the ears, etc. The key is to practice it Continuous to attain nirvana as we call it in our personal life.

We all cannot do that today because of various reasons & hence we seek help with Buddha or his principles.

Due to our personal choice or situations our day to day life is bombarded with

# Chaos

# Uncertainty with health, finance, relationships

# Unhealthy eating & other habits

# Temptations

# No continuity

# No self respect

# No communication & collaboration

which leads to a miserable life & personal self

One of the fundamental Buddhist principles of moral thought and action is karma.  Until such time as one becomes enlightened, one’s actions in this life will determine the nature of future rebirths.

Most companies are facing similar issues today.

So how is DevOps relevant here?

When you think about implementing DevOps in your company these are the principles those need to be applied for a Continuous Business Success


How will be convey standards & best practices across teams & make them use & optimize it day after day.


How will you make your existing processes standardized & repeatable


Which tools should we use to bring in integration with existing technology investments.

“Chaos & tension comes to mind when you think all this”

Apply Buddha here –
Automate, Integrate, Monitor & Optimize


To attain Continuous DevOps & business success.

Relevance Lab Catalyst applies these best practices as a single platform to achieve DevOps success. We work with your existing Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery tools & technology investments to help you deliver better software business faster .

Contact us today & we would be glad to assess your current DevOps setup & guide you end to end to achieve DevOps Nirvana

