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2015 Blogs, Blog

Continuous DevOps on AWS


We often get asked about how we use DevOps best practices, process & tools within RelevanceLab to deliver our own solution – RLCatalyst™. We practice & preach “Continuous DevOps” within RelevanceLab and to our customers using Continuous Integration, Continuous Testing, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Optimization and Continuous Security pipelines across Cloud Providers to help deliver better software faster.

To put all arguments to rest we faired “Advanced Stage” when we assessed our own DevOps maturity road-map. We encourage you to take our FREE DevOps Assessment to identify how DevOps is being used at your company to see by yourself where you stand

Take Free DevOps Assessment Now!

As with all companies we do strive to deliver quality software on a continuous basis using Agile development process & automation to deliver best quality solution. To keep it brief & to the point, let me discuss how RLCatalyst™ integrates with CI/CD tools we use within our DevOps processes to achieve best practices for “Continuous DevOps” on Amazon AWS. Given Amazon AWS offers IAAS i.e. readily available & scriptable IT assets on-demand it offers great flexibility while automating the infrastructure for our own solution.

Apart every other customer we cater to or meet has some part of infrastructure deployed on Amazon AWS, Azure, GCE or VMWare etc. which gives us great motivation to ensure that least we support the entire Continuous DevOps paradigm & processes by default on these platforms.

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