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News, 2017 News

Relevance Lab enables large enterprises move towards Frictionless Digital Businesses

Relevance Lab’s Digital Transformation is helping large enterprises move from legacy enterprise IT to a Digital enterprise by identifying and removing friction from existing business process, systems and applications. A key challenge for digital transformation programs is to tackle existing friction in current physical business channels, legacy IT systems, slow pace of software delivery and fragmented web based applications. Relevance Lab has created a Spectra Framework to identify areas of Business Friction by leveraging the power of Big Data and Analytics. This platform analyzes existing ERP and Process Data for previous years and helps identify specific bottlenecks in Process efficiency. By leveraging a combination of Cloud Platforms targeting key areas of an Enterprise for Customer Experience Management, Information Systems, Supply Chain Eco-system, Data & Analytics, Relevance Lab helps partner with customers of a Digital Transformation journey. The Frictionless Digital Enterprise is built on the foundation of Cloud Adoption, Automation-First Model with BOTs and a Command Centre for Real-time business metrics visibility driving intelligent decisions leveraging our RL Catalyst product.

