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2020 Blog, Blog, Featured

INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION : Automation Helps in the time of crisis with COVID-19

The recent COVID-19 virus outbreak has driven many unanticipated changes in the way we do business. In particular, many people who usually go into the office are now required to work from home, which can mean different access methods (e.g. VPN Access) and permissions. These changing conditions have the potential to overwhelm service desks.

We have seen this with our clients in terms of a dramatic increase in service requests. We are pleased with the role our automation has played during these trying times. Our intelligent BOTs have enabled Relevance Lab to respond to upticks in service requests instantly.

Figure 1: Intelligent Automation Eliminated Service Desk Impact

With one of our significant clients with a large NYC footprint, daily inbound tickets increased 92% (Fig.1) during the March Peak Day (vs Feb avg) as the effects of the Corona virus forced people to work-from-home. Fortunately, nearly all those tickets are being managed using RL’s Intelligent BOTs, and we were able to handle the increased volume with no delay. Our Intelligent BOTs handled two and a half times (Figure 2)) their normal daily workload so that our service desk team could maintain focus on other critical business needs.

Figure 2: Dramatic Ticket Spike as People Prepared to Work-from-Home

Over the last year, we have increased the coverage and complexity of our Intelligent Automation to achieve 70-80% inbound ticket automation with an equivalent reduction in human efforts. Having a robust platform with standardized processes, BOTS driven automation and reliable Automation Analytics have helped better prepare for the unknowns.

As we all continue to weather this crisis together, please stay safe. We wish everyone the best.

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